Sunday, November 22, 2009

Preserving the past

Originally posted on MySpace on November 14, 2009.

It was my kind of day today...sunny skies but low 70s...perfect! I took a short drive east to Riverside to take in a couple of museums. I was looking forward to visiting the March Field Air Museum, located adjacent to March Air Force Base. When I was growing up in Riverside, whenever we drove past the base, I remember seeing the flight line of B-52 bombers with their long, drooping wings. The planes are no longer there, but the some of the buildings are. And, the tarmac is now occupied by historic warbirds...and one B-52! I love looking at military aircraft, especially the World War II era planes. This facility had a nice collection, including some very rare planes...and my favorite, the P-38 Lighting, which had the nickname "Fork-tailed Devil." Another nice thing about going to museums such as this one...talking to veteran pilots who flew aircraft in past military conflicts throughout our history. I spoke to one such gentleman at this museum, and appreciated hearing of his personal experiences.

After an enjoyable couple of hours at the air museum, I drove into downtown Riverside to take in the Riverside Metropolitan Museum. It was pretty small and after reading up on the history of navel orange industry and some other local stuff, I drove back to L.A. For a change, I'm going to try to get a good sleep tonight...something that I haven't done much of since I started my road trip. One more day of sightseeing, then I slowly make my drive back north. One more week, then it's back to work for me. In a way, I kind of miss it. And, yes, I'm still listening to Slice. Everyday, several times a day. It's so good, I can't stop!

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