Thursday, April 17, 2014

San flowers in MY hair!

When I left Eureka, CA this morning, I had a long drive ahead of me.  Four hours later, I rolled into San Francisco via the Golden Gate Bridge.  I was expecting to pay a toll fee, but I guess they only collect it in certain directions and at certain times.  I've driven over this bridge more than once in the past, but never actually walked on it.  Today, I decided to rectify that.  It didn't take me very long to reach mid-span...along with a lot of other people.  It was certainly a beautiful day for a stroll!

I checked into my hotel early, then walked over to the iconic and picturesque Palace of Fine Arts.  A visit to San Francisco just wouldn't be complete without taking a picture of this well-known landmark. 

There was a lot of waterfowl in the palace lagoon.  Ducks, geese and sea gulls mostly, but there was also a lone swan, and I also spotted a great blue heron.  And, then, there was the turtle.  It kept popping it's head out of the water to catch a breath and take a look at the people staring at it!  It was actually a pretty big turtle!  

Not so much driving tomorrow, and another leisurely day.  Isn't that what vacations are supposed to be about?  Two more days till I see John Ondrasik! 

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