My travel day consisted of basically taking I-90 through the length of Montana to my home state of Washington. About 7 hours of driving, with two gas fill ups, a lunch break and 3 rest area pit stops. I really didn't have time to do any sightseeing today, not that my heart was into it. I guess I'm just eager to get back home. Road tripping sure is fun, but after awhile, you get that urge to return to the real world and home, sweet home.
After filling my tank in Butte, MT, I was scanning the local radio stations for music when the sweet sound of John Ondrasik's voice filled my groupie mobile...Chances. I start every travel day with the Five For Fighting Slice CD. It always seems to set the mood for the rest of the day. I never get tired of listening to that one...it's my favorite Five For Fighting album.
Tomorrow, I make the final push home. I'm planning to avoid the interstate and take the more scenic route. It will delay my homecoming by no more than a half hour, and I might check out a couple of things along the way. I'm looking forward to hugging my cat and sleeping in my own bed!
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