Just got back from the Five For Fighting show at Neumos. Like usual, John and the band were just awesome. But, the day didn't start out that great. When I left home to start on my groupie road trip, it was raining lightly on and off...not good! I didn't envision myself waiting outside of Neumos and getting wet! It cleared as I reached Seattle. But, before starting my vigil at the venue, I decided to grab an early lunch since I had no breakfast. I stopped by a local Seattle institution, Dick's Drive In. Cheap and quick, but it certainly doesn't compare to In N Out Burger!
Afterwards, I parked my car just down the street from Neumos...and waited for the tour bus to arrive. But, just as it did, a dark cloud passed overhead and the skies opened up. The timing couldn't have been worse, as the crew had to unload the trailer. And, about the time they got done, it stopped raining. A portent of things to come? I hoped not! I soon found out that John and the band were not on the bus. I seemed they were already relaxing at their hotel. Since there was no sense hanging around, I made my way to my accommodations. Turns out I had a heck of a time getting a room. It was about 1:30 pm, which was not an unusual time for me to be checking into a hotel. They usually have no problem finding a room for me...one hotel checked me in at 11:00 am! Well, things were different at this one, which will remain unnamed...for now. As soon as I told the desk guy that I had a reservation for the night, he immediately stated that check-in time was 4:00 pm. Talk about a lack of optimism! I tried explaining to him that I almost always checked in earlier than the official time...I actually did a couple years ago at that very hotel! But, no, he stubbornly insisted that it was not possible. Exasperated, I finally asked him what was the earliest I could POSSIBLY get a room before 4:00 pm. At this point, I think he began to sense my frustration...and maybe losing a future customer. He checked the progress of the housekeeping, looked in their system...and low and behold, there was a room for me. Satisfied, I can say now that there is no hard feelings...but, I might mention my experience in a future AAA review!
After freshening up, I called my friends who were to meet me at Neumos...they were well on their way. With everything now going smoothly, I returned to the club. I got there about 4:15 pm, with the intent of being first in line to get the primo spot at the stage. I know, it's early, but what can I say? I'm a groupie! Of course, there was no one else there yet, and there wouldn't be for another 2 hours! My friends arrived before everyone else, too, and having someone to talk to made the time go by faster. Around 5:00 pm, a car showed up carrying bass player Joe Karns and guitarist Greg Suran. Joe quickly went inside the building, and I greeted Greg...he remembered me from the last acoustic tour. Now, where was John and drummer Randy Cooke? I later found out when I heard John's voice and the band doing their soundchecks inside the club. Huh? How did John get in without me seeing him? Oh, well. I should be able to see him after the concert, like he has been doing for the duration of the tour so far. Not long after that, Randy came out of the building. He made eye contact with me, and I called out to him. But, I almost didn't need to...it seemed like he recognized me, even though our only previous correspondence was by email. Maybe he's seen some pictures of me somewhere? I introduced myself, and Randy cheerfully shook my hand.
At this point, I mentioned something that I had asked him about a week ago. Wanting to give a special treat for him and the whole Five For Fighting crew, I suggested baking them cookies. Randy was agreeable to that, so I spent all afternoon yesterday baking chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, and brownies. I told Randy that I had the cookies, and I was hoping to get them on the bus for everyone to enjoy later on. He suggested checking back after the concert. Then, a surprise. John suddenly showed up from seemingly nowhere. He saw me and I greeted him. Before he got in the bus, I handed him a gift I was hoping to give to him. Inside a plastic bag was a T-shirt, one I thought would be a perfect gift for John. It was grey, with the image of a hockey stick and puck, and included the word "Superman" and the Superman logo gracing the puck. John accepted the offering, and entered the bus. I planned to ask him later about the shirt when I saw him again.
At 7:00 pm, the box office opened, and I got a ticket to the night's concert via guest list. Because John canceled his Seattle show last November, those who hung onto their tickets were put on a special list for admission to the spring show. When my friends and I entered the music hall, we made a beeline for the spot right next to the piano...and in front of the microphone where John would do his guitar thing. The crowd initially seemed a bit sparse, but that wasn't too surprising. People often show up later because they aren't that keen on opening acts. In this case, Matt Wertz was entertaining and played well...but, was a bit loud for my taste. Normally, I wouldn't show up at a Five For Fighting concert wearing ear protection...John just isn't THAT loud! But, Matt's electric guitar work had my ears crying for help. Of course, it might have just been the venue. Neumos is a VERY small club, with a small stage, and the loud tunes really have nowhere to go. Nevertheless, I'll be going to the next 4 shows with ear protection on hand for Matt...just in case.
As the crew set up for Five For Fighting, the crowd got bigger and moved closer to the stage. They were there for the REAL show! Then, John and the band came out, and immediately started into their set. Here is the setlist for the night:
The Riddle
Devil In The Wishing Well
65 Mustang
Easy Tonight
NYC Weather Report
Two Frogs
Freedom Never Cries (solo)
If God Made You (solo)
Augie Nieto (w/Greg on acoustic)
100 Years
Encore: Bella's Birthday Cake, Disneyland, Hope
John sounded great with his voice at full strength, unlike last November when illness affected his singing. And, the boys in the band were equally terrific! Nothing beats John performing his songs live. After the show, John and the guys made themselves available for autographs and photos. My ex-military friend Gerry brought a CD for John to sign. I mentioned to John that Gerry was a vet, and John made sure he got the latest CD For The Troops that they had available for military folks like him. After John signed Gerry's CD, I took their pic. John asked me if I wanted a photo, too, but I told him I would wait for everyone else to have their turn. After waiting at the back of the line, it was my turn, I asked everyone to sign a copy of the set list, which I managed to grab from the stage after the show was over. My other friend Andrew then took my pic with Greg, Randy and Joe. Then, I asked John to sign his Slice CD for friends taking care of my cat Kimi while I'm on my road trip. Randy overhead me talking about my cat, and I asked HIM who was taking care of HIS cat while he was away. Randy, being the funny guy said that he just put out a great big bowl of food for his cat! Too bad I didn't think to ask him about the litter box! I asked Andrew to get a pic of me and John together, and John suggested the whole band. I really couldn't turn down that suggestion, so I got the group shot. I then insisted on another photo with just me and John, for which John kindly obliged. Before leaving, I asked Randy and Greg about getting my cookies on the bus. They told me to just ask one of the crew guys to take it on board. I wasn't sure if they would trust me with such a request, but Randy and Greg assured me that it would be OK. Sure enough, after retrieving the 3 big containers of cookies from my car, I asked Don, the lighting guy...who I spotting walking toward the bus...if he could take the cookies. And, he did! Now, I just hope everyone likes them...it was sheer aggravation making those Toll House cookies! Oh, I almost forgot! As John was signing my stuff, he thanked me for the T-shirt...he thought it was pretty cool! So, now, will I ever see him wearing my shirt? As the song goes...you gotta have hope!
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