Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday drivers

Traffic was light as I left West Sacramento on this Easter Sunday. Looking to avoid the somewhat depressing monotony of Interstate 5, I decided to travel south to Los Angeles via Hwy 99. Unlike the interstate, this road passes through a number of small cities, which in itself makes for a more challenging drive. I've often compared driving the freeways of California to playing an arcade video game. You're going fast, maneuvering around slower traffic and constantly seeking out an open lane in front of you while jockeying for position with your worthy this case, the other drivers. Not only do I enjoy this in a strange sort of way, it helps to keep my mind and body occupied. Ideally, everyone should be driving defensively, but they don't...those are the cars you usually end up passing. One irritating trend I noticed today was the stubborn, discourteous driver. Those are the ones that plant themselves in the faster lanes...and drive slower than everyone trying to get around them! They act seemingly oblivious to the line of cars behind them, and don't even bother to pull over into the slow lane. Why do they do this? And, I saw this A LOT today! Is this a territorial thing, or something they teach in California driver's education?

Being the Easter holiday, I quickly realized my lunch plan was not to be realized. I stopped in Merced, hoping for an In N Out Burger. Closed! I didn't feel like Taco Bell...the drive-through was open...or Kentucky Fried Chicken. So, I just ate the other half of the Subway sandwich I bought for lunch yesterday. As I got back on the freeway, my GPS temporarily went out of its mind...or maybe it was just the voice persona having a brain fart. While I was ON THE FREEWAY, it started instructing me to make turns on a city street! That's the 3rd time on this road trip that the GPS did crazy things! It's enough to make you swear. But, who would I be cursing out...the GPS itself or the voice inside? Oh, in case you were wondering, her name is Mandy. might be time to give Mandy a break and pick out a new GPS helper?

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