When I arrived at the park, I flashed my annual pass, and continued on. I decided to do what is normally recommended at tourist attractions. Instead of starting at the sights closest to the entrance, I drove to the ones farthest away. The logic is that most people do the opposite, and I think I was correct. I had done some research ahead of time and decided I would try to see as many arches as I could in one day. That meant leaving out the ones that required the most walking to see...or the more strenuous hikes. With plan in place, I did six arches before breaking for lunch. Afterwards, I saw 5 more, including the most famous Delicate Arch. I opted not to attempt the 7 mile hike to get closest to it. Instead, it was the easier .6 mile walk...at least I thought it would be easy! It would prove to be the most strenuous of the day. The trail was fairly level at first, but soon turned into a rock staircase...that went up and up and up! I had to rest for a few seconds at each "landing," but I did better than some. After I reached the top and took photos of the arch...and got a good breather...I started down. As I descended, I tried to encourage those still on their way up. Comments like, "There's no shame in resting," and "It's not too much farther." One guy with his wife was pretty tired, and I told him, "There was nothing in the literature about the steep part, huh?" He laughed and agreed with me!
I would have to say that Arches is the most awesome park I've ever visited, Grand Canyon included. But, the best is yet to come...I think you might guess which park I'm talking about. Tomorrow, will be a sort of rest day...museums only! I'm looking forward to feeding my mind.
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