I got a second row center seat, which gave me an excellent view of the stage...and, without further straining my neck, which was by the way still giving me pain (read my last blog). I was hoping whoever was sitting in front of me wasn't tall...I wanted an unimpeded view of the stage. I watched as the front row filled...all except three seats in front of me. Well, I didn't have to worry about tall people. Who should sit in those seats but John Ondrasik's wife Carla and the kids! What a nice surprise! I said "Hi" to Carla as they settled in for the show. The set list of the night was the same as the one they performed at the Portland concert (see Right place, right time...and a little luck), The only difference was that since there was no opening act, John played the storyteller to some songs...more so than the previous shows on the tour. When he came to the song, I Just Love You, and started into his experience at The Ashram, I told Carla that it was my favorite story! So funny! She laughed, too! I ended up taking more photos than usual...or trying to, anyway...because this was the last show. And, because more end up NOT coming out than do. Still, I got some great shots of John and the band.
After the show was over, John and the guys did their customary meet and greet with the fans. I waited till the line shortened, then situated myself at the end. When I got to the table with the band, I saw that John's daughter Olivia was signing autographs, too. Not wanting to be deprived of a future superstar's signature, I asked her to sign my ticket. Everyone else did, too...John signed the front. I told Randy that I brought a drum for him to sign. At first he didn't get it, but then he remembered he joked at the HOB San Diego show after signing a drumstick I had brought that I would bring a snare drum next time! Ha...gotcha! I got a goodbye hug from Randy, and a last photo with John. I told John how much I liked hearing the old songs, and thanked him for putting up with me for the past week.
And, so, the Five For Fighting spring tour is over. But, it's not quite over for me. I'll be traveling back to Las Vegas tomorrow for Mix 94.1's Pet-a-Palooza, which raises funds for local animal agencies. John and Greg Suran will be doing an acoustic performance, along with Orianthi, Kris Allen and Barenaked Ladies. It should be fun!
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