Monday, July 21, 2008

Did I forget something?

Originally posted on MySpace on March 9, 2008.

Just as my head was hitting the pillow last night, I realized I forgot to write my blog! It was understandable, though, considering after the Beach Bash, I didn't get to bed until 4:00 am! And, I got up 4 hours later! So, I was rather tired last night and lost an hour to DID all remember to move your clocks forward? Then, as I concentrated all my efforts on trying to think up a Question of the's kind of hard when I don't have all my resources at my disposal...the blog slipped my mind.

My day was not THAT exciting, unless you've never seen a giant panda. My friend Johnny and I went to the San Diego Zoo. If you have been keeping track, this is the third zoo I've visited on my trip. Like I said before, I LIKE animals! This particular zoo is a big one, and it took about 4 hours for us to see everything. The main draw is the giant pandas. The San Diego Zoo has the largest population in one place outside of China. There are four: Gao Gao (the male), Bai Yun (the female), 2-year-old female Su Lin, and the newest addition, 3-month-old female cub Zhen Zhen.

Later in the evening, myself and the guys went to San Diego's Little Italy district for dinner...Italian food! I had something called penne norma...eggplant, ricotta and marinara on penne pasta. It was good...I like eggplant! So, that was basically my day yesterday. Almost boring compared to the excitement of the Beach Bash. I'm still floating up there on Cloud Nine, I had such a good time! I'll be putting out another blog later this evening about today's activities. Let's just say...I'm not in San Diego anymore!

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