Sunday, July 6, 2008

Exhibit No. 1: The Baby Taylor

Originally posted on MySpace on May 31, 2007.

So, where to begin? I guess it's best to start with the first...the Baby Taylor guitar. It was only about four months after I discovered the existence of Five For Fighting that an amazing opportunity presented itself. Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast region of the U.S. on August 23rd of 2005. Two months later, the relief efforts were in full swing, and many charities were providing services to those in need. Right around that time, Aware Records, John's label, decided to get involved in helping to raise needed funds for that relief effort. They initiated a raffle....rather, three get people to open their pocketbooks, so to speak. For every $25 donated to one of the charity organizations assisting, a raffle entry would be earned. The three Aware artists represented in the raffle: John Mayer, Liz Phair and John Ondrasik. First prize in each raffle was a signed acoustic guitar, with 5 second prizes of signed copies of the artist's latest CD.

Now, when I found out about the raffles, I was SO excited...who wouldn't be? To win a John Ondrasik signed guitar was any Five For Fighting fan's dream! And, it was perfect timing, too. I had been getting ready to donate some money to some of the Hurricane Katrina charities anyway. It was a matter of donating enough to earn some raffle entries. Aware Records definitely had the right idea with the raffles because it sure provided some incentive in me! I scored five raffle entries, and directed them to...the Five For Fighting raffle, of course! I figured I had a pretty good chance of winning a prize because I assumed most people would enter the John Mayer raffle. I think we all know, as great as J.O. is, his Aware Records label mate is a little more popular with folks.

When the contest ended in late October, so began the waiting game. Realistically, I wasn't even thinking I could possibly win John's guitar...more like the CD. After about two weeks, I was starting to wonder how much longer it would take for them to decide the winners when I got the email. It was from an Aware Records intern, who was happy to tell me I was the winner of a signed Taylor guitar for my entry in...the Liz Phair raffle! Whaaat? Oh, no! There had to be a mistake! I immediately fired off a reply, explaining that I entered the Five For Fighting raffle, and hoping there was a way did I want a Liz Phair guitar (sorry, Liz). I had to wait two agonizing days for a response, but when it came, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Whoops! Yes, you are the winner of the Five For Fighting signed guitar. I accidentally sent you the wrong email."

So, it was official. The prize was mine. I couldn't believe my incredible luck! Up to this point, I had been emailing John pretty regularly...about every two weeks. And, he had been very generous with his replies...I guess he had some time to kill in between writing songs. Naturally, I thought John would be interested in hearing about my good fortune, so I emailed him. I wasn't prepared for his response..."Cool! They just sent it to me. Would you like me to personalize it to you?" Huh? I thought the guitar was already signed, and Aware would be mailing it off to me. It turns out it was on its way to John, who was now offering me something I couldn't refuse!
I gave it some thought...what would I want John to put on my guitar? I briefly considered the standard "To My Number One Fan, " but that reminded me too much of Kathy Bates in Misery...too creepy! Finally, I settled on one of my favorite lyrics from John's song Nobody, "It's the happy moments along the way that in the end make it OK." It was pretty long, so I gave John the option of writing whatever he wanted, too. It should be noted that when I sent off my reply to his email, it was the first time I had to do that...reply to him, that is.

After another two weeks of waiting, I began to think I should have gotten my guitar by now. I emailed the Aware intern again, and she gave me the update...the guitar left John's house the day before Thanksgiving, and I would be receiving it soon. The same day I got her reply, I was visited by the UPS guitar had arrived! With shaking hands, I brought the Taylor guitar box inside my house. The first thing I did was look at the shipping label on top. Yeah, it came from John's house all right...his home address was on it! Sorry, guys, I can't share that info...I promised John I wouldn't when I told him the guitar arrived safe and sound. I also noted how well the box had been re-sealed...yep, John's expert tape job! I carefully opened the box, and pulled out the guitar encased in its soft gig bag. Inside the bag, the Baby Taylor acoustic guitar, complete with John's personalization, "It's the happy moments." He added a smiley face and his signature. WOW! Perfect!

Well, that's the story of my first acquisition. That may have been the best $125 I've ever spent in my life...and, it was worth every penny! And, I guess this can be considered one of the happy moments...with lots more to come!

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