Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rules of the road

As recalled on February 29, 2008.

Tomorrow is the big day...the start of my road trip! I've spent the last couple days at my parents' house. Like last year, they'll be taking care of my cat Kimi while I'm gone. It's a second home for her, so I'll know she'll be fine. Since Kimi is an indoor cat, she won't be venturing outside at all...not that she would want to. My parents' cats Tino and Pepé are out there and Kimi hates them...hates ALL cats in fact! Everytime she sees them through the windows, she growls and hisses...what a crabby kitty!

I spent the afternoon going over my road trip route for the next day. I have a AAA TripTik all printed out, but my main navigation will be my auto GPS. I used it on the drive from my home to my folks' house, and it worked like a dream. I programmed my route itinerary into the GPS. I have high hopes it will get me to where I want to go every day of my road trip. No getting lost this time around!

One thing I decided to replicate from last year's road trip...keeping track of gas prices along my route. Call me a stickler, a penny pincher, or just plain anal, but I hate to pay for more than I have to for anything. And, that includes gas. So, using AAA's helpful online gas price feature, I made a note of the lowest prices along tomorrow's route. It's something I plan to do throughout the duration of my trip. Sometimes, it can make a HUGE difference just where you decide to fill up. Common sense dictates you would pay WAY more at a tiny, remote town as opposed to a city along an interstate highway. I'll be keeping track of prices, and mark the most promising gas stations along the way. You can be sure I'll fill up where it's cheapest...well, maybe not in Oregon. Someone else will do the filling for me...state law, after all!

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