Friday, July 4, 2008

Magic time at The Showbox

Originally posted on MySpace on November 10, 2006

I went to Seattle's The Showbox Theatre last night with high expectations. It would be my first Five For Fighting concert with the full band thing...I had seen John's acoustic performance in Vegas. I hoped to see him before the show, but speaking to an inside source, I found out that John was nursing a cold, and needed to save his voice for the concert...I understood completely. Nevertheless, it was a disappointment.

The opening act MoZella was pretty good, but I came for the real show. Any disappointment I had felt before melted away when John and the band took the stage. They immediately started things out with World...John sounded great! About a minute into the song...the magic occurred. As I watched John sing, I sang along with him...and, then, we made eye contact. John saw me mouthing the words, and briefly interrupted his piano playing to give me a small wave! I waved back to him...John remembered me from Vegas! I was completely blown away! My friends who came with me were surprised, too!

The rest of the show, I was on Cloud Nine. John and the band rocked the house. It was the best concert I've ever been to. Maybe it was watching it in the club setting, but I think it was more the performer...John is truly one-of-a-kind. His songs, his music, his singing, his stories...everything about him had the audience mesmerized, myself included.

Today, I was looking forward to watching John close out his tour in Vancouver, Canada. But, then, came the word from the man himself via My Space...concert canceled. It seems his cold and laryngitis finally took its toll on his voice. A definite letdown, not only for me, but for John, too. But, I know he'll make up for it next year...Vancouver won't be forgotten! And, I wouldn't mind visiting a few other cities to see Five For Fighting at other venues...yes, just to see John. Believe it!

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